
And The Winners Are …

And the winners are ….Bboy Suicide and Bboy Freeze!
Suicide and Freeze, who are both Tiny Toones alumni, just WON the Breaking Battle at the IFC –  Institut Francois Cambodge in Phnom Penh. This was a really big competition with some incredible breakdancers. Their skill and raw talent saw them take it over the line. We could not be more proud of the dedication, resilience and perseverance of these two shining role models and dancers.
And as if the prestige and recognition is not enough, their prize, as outlined by the IFC is that, “They are going to France in October for two weeks as well as participate in the Trophy Masters Competition in Toulouse…. The Trophy Masters Competition will be amazing, breakdancers from all around the world will be there to compete.”
This is incredible exciting news for the boys and also for Tiny Toones centre. We are always so thrilled to see our kids thrive and to show the young ones, the next generation, that anything is possible.
What we (the Board of Directors) love most about this? Well there is SO much to love about this, but … the very first thing that these two boys, or we should say, young men, did was drive with DJ Kdep (a famous local DJ and also Tiny Toones alumni) straight to KK’s house to share the news and celebrate with him.
A huge congratulations goes out to Bboy Suicide and Bboy Freeze and best of luck for France.

New Documentary on KK underway

We were so honored to have the incredible Kevin Frilet and Nicolas Petris, two talented French movie producers, visit our centre at Chba Ampoev. They are here making a documentary about Tiny Toones Founder, Tuy Sobil – better known as ‘KK’, and his influence on the hip hop and dance community in Cambodia.

KK started breakdancing at 8 years old in Long Beach, California. When he was deported to Cambodia in 2004, he brought his dancing experience and skills to Phnom Penh, where Tiny Toones was born. KK’s influence in Cambodia’s hip hop culture is undeniable and through his resilience and reputation, he not onl started this centre but also started breakdancing championships, international breakdancing competitions, and much, much more.

We, Tiny Toones, are so excited about this documentary. Although we are only in the beginning stages right now, once it is complete it will be featured in Radikal Magazine or @RadiKal_Magazine (on Instagram) and beyond.

Congrats to our Founder on this wonderful opportunity for him to, once again, share his love of hip hop, breakdancing, creative art, and continuing to help the Tiny Toones students and community.

Asia Insight TV Episode: ‘Cambodia’s Hip Hop School for Children’

  • Romi Grossberg
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NHK World-Japan television, Asia Insight episode, Oct 2023.

Founder and CEO of Tiny Toones, KK says: “Hip hop is like a colour to me. Who’d want to live in a world without colour?”

“In this episode, we chronicle a the day spent at this alternative school, striving to give all children there, a bright future.” In 2005, Cambodia’s first alternative school, Tiny Toones, was opened in Phnom Penh. In addition to general subjects, it adds courses on rap and dance into the mix. It was founded by a Cambodian man raised in the United States, who discovered a new purpose imparting his unique knowledge to young people. Most of the students come from impoverished backgrounds, and some enroll after dropping out of the public school system, or fleeing a turbulent family life.

“Today, we meet the staff and children who have created a new place to belong through their shared love of hip-hop.” 

Learn here about Tiny Toones, the hip hop centre that offers free education for any student – to learn in school subjects based on their academic level.

Listen to an interview with founder and CEO, KK, and meet some of the students including two new students, 15 and 17 year-old brothers who had until now, missed out on all facets of childhood. At Tiny Toones they get to study, play, sing and dance.

Meet Tiny Toones graduates (alumni) including Vouich, a professional rapper and music producer who teaches words games as part of their practice before teaching children to rap, saying, “Rap builds confidence.” Female Tiny Toones graduate (alumni) Serey also visits the centre. She is one of Cambodia’s most recognised female rap artists and comes to rap and sing with Vouich and other graduated artists. We also meet Tiny Toones graduate (alumni) Bboy Frog who continues to work at the centre and is the caretaker on the ground. Lastly we meet Tiny Toones graduate (alumni) Bboy Slick and other graduate dancers who return to the centre daily to practice as a team whilst rehearsing for a television dance competition. Naturally the newer kids love it when the alumni arrive and they get to watch and learn from their heros.


A huge thank you to NHK-Japan for this short documentary, episode news piece. What a joy and pleasure to work with this team of professionals who spent some real time at our centre, truly getting to know and understand our staff, volunteers, former staff and the kids we work with.

 Watch full episode


Tiny Toones on TV!

“Meeting the students of Tiny Toones convinced me that all the hardships only make these young people better, stronger and kinder in life. Almost everyone has a compelling story to share, almost every one of them was worthy of a documentary. And the talents in these young people were just mind-blowing – our crew had a blast just filming all of them breakdancing.” Loh Kok Hong, TV producer and director.

One of the best things about being an NGO working in the creative arts is that it brings us together with other creative people from across the world. Loh Kok Hong is one of those people, responsible for a fantastic half hour documentary which recently aired on Singaporean TV, and which we’ll be showing in full on our website very soon. We’re not a big wealthy NGO able to pay for marketing or fundraising staff, so having friends like Kok Hong is crucial to helping us get the word out and raise money we urgently need.

The documentary was the first in a series about social activists around Asia. Loh Kok Hong and his presenter Fadli Kamsani came to Phnom Penh, spoke to KK about how Tiny Toones was born, and showed B Boy Slick’s extraordinary journey from homelessness and drug addiction to a career as an international performer and teacher. We spoke to Loh Kok Hong about why he filmed Tiny Toones.

“When we conceptualised the social documentary series we wanted to profile inspiring individuals using creative solutions to tackle social issues in Asia. KK and Tiny Toones easily came to mind because of the use of hip hop and breakdancing for the street children. KK was very well known in the international media so he’s always been on our radar.”

Nor did meeting the Tiny Toones crew in the flesh disappoint him. “I found KK and the young people of Tiny Toones highly inspiring. The talents, and the character strengths in these young people are compelling – they didn’t go through hardships for nothing. They are now looking at a brighter future ahead because of the confidence and strengths that they gained through the years of perfecting their breakdancing.”

Loh Kok Hong hopes that people will be inspired by watching the show. “Our series finished airing on Singapore TV Channel in January. Whoever watched it, including the channel heads, my bosses, my colleagues and my own family, have responded very well to the story. Our mission has been achieved – we succeeded in sharing with the viewers and our friends that these Cambodians are truly amazing people, and now I only hope to come back to film more!”

Thank you Loh Kok Hong, you will always be very welcome at Tiny Toones.

Please check our Facebook over the next week, when we’ll be airing some excerpts before featuring the full documentary on our website. If you wish to support our work with a donation or learn more go here.

Bangkok Airways Inflight Magazine

Recently, founder KK spoke to a journalist from Fah Thai magazine – the inflight magazine of Bangkok Airways – about his past, where Tiny Toones came from and the importance of having a place like Tiny Toones in a city like Phnom Penh.

The article will feature in the Fah Thai magazine on planes for 2 months and there is a very nifty electronic version of the magazine so you can check it out without having to catch a plane.

Note: Credit to Stuart Isett for the last 2 photos in the article.

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