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Tiny Toones named one of 7 best charities in Cambodia

Good news is rare these days, but here’s some – the Huffington Post names Tiny Toones as one of the top 7 charities doing great work in Cambodia, in a newly updated feature.

The piece recognises the fact that a very tiny number of NGOs in Cambodia have unfortunately brought others into disrepute, through dishonest practices. Tiny Toones has always believed in the importance of honesty, transparency and financial responsibility – for one thing, it’s the only way to keep the trust of your supporters in the long term.

That’s why we are so proud to be recognised by the Huffington Post as honest, ethical and effective. We love this description of our work: “Tiny Toones is a homegrown organization in Phnom Penh, the capital, that rescues kids from the streets, pulling them away from violence, gangs, and drugs and instead offering them music, breakdancing, and a solid education.”

If you want to support our ongoing work, we appreciate every single cent. You can donate or read more right here. Thanks Huffington Post, and all our supporters.

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