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KK’s Christmas Wish

“No, it’s not about breakdancing, man, its not about rapping. Its being part of a community which makes these kids happy, keeps them away from the street, and from drugs and gangs.”

That’s what I say in this film, and its true. If you want to understand what makes Tiny Toones different, why hundreds of Cambodian kids from the toughest backgrounds come to us for a safe place where they are cared for and get the only education they can, then please watch. And then please think about donating to keep us going in 2018.

I want to give a shout out to everyone who helped us in 2017, on behalf of me, the team and the kids. But as the film shows, raising money is very tough every year. We’re a small crew, just 5 teachers and 6 staff. That means our costs are a fraction of most NGOs, but it also means we can’t pay professional fundraisers. The team has to fight for every cent, and it takes up a lot of time and energy we’d prefer to give to the kids.

We made it in 2017, but only just. My Christmas wish would be for 2018 to be easier, so the team can focus on doing more to improve these kids’ futures, giving them the education they need to leave poverty and the streets behind for good. We need you to do that. Please donate this December. If you don’t have much, but want to sign up for just a few dollars a month, we appreciate that as much as any big cheque (though we’re not saying no to big cheques!).

To learn more about why we need $35,000 and exactly how your money will change these kids’ lives please go here. Americans, don’t forget that donations made before the end of December are tax deductible. If you can’t donate, please share this post or send it to your friends. Happy holidays everyone.


KK, founder, Tiny Toones

New video captures raw energy of Cambodian hip hop

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We still occasionally get comments about whether hip hop and Cambodia really go together, or encounter a bit of cynicism about whether Khmer kids can really be b boys and b girls with the best of them. Well, from now on, we have this video to show to any doubters.

We’re very grateful to Oyen Rodriguez for giving up his time and amazing skills to make this short and thrilling film for us. A Filipino film maker and hip hop fan from the Philippines, Oyen does great work in Cambodia – so we were really delighted when he suggested making a film with us, and even more delighted with the results.

Anyway, enough talk, time for some action – watch this video now!

Celebrating the Tiny Toones teachers

“I was hopeless and lonely, addicted to drugs”. That’s how Slick describes himself at 15 years old. Today he is one of Tiny Toones’ most inspiring teachers – and deserves a huge shout out today for World Teachers Day. As Shhort, TT manager, says: “I look at Slick and I see a lost kid grown up to be a productive role model for his community.”

World Teachers Day is held on 5th October every year to celebrate teachers from across the world. We are very proud of each of our teachers, most of whom used to be our students. That means that they have experienced the same pressures and poverty as the children who come to our centre every day, and are perfectly placed to understand them and inspire them.

Slick is a perfect example. One of 8 siblings, family poverty forced Slick out of school and onto the streets collecting garbage when he was a little boy. Soon he was homeless and fell into the despair of drugs. Luckily for him and Tiny Toones, he soon met our founder KK and showed huge academic and dance potential. Many years later, he not only performs as a dancer across Cambodia and the world, but still teaches daily at our centre.

“He uses his personal experiences to help kids like him,” says Shhort. As well as a teacher, Slick is also an active mentor to many of our children, able to support them when they are facing difficulties and feel drawn back to life on the streets.

“For me, good teaching is about listening, motivating and always being ready with a helping hand,” says Slick, explaining his approach to teaching. “I love it because I get to learn too.” He inspires his students every day- we hope his story might inspire you a little today.

Tiny Toones 2016 Annual Report

2016 was another huge year for us here at Tiny Toones. As well as continuing to support our kids at our Chbar Ampov centre, 2016 saw the launch of the Cool Lounge.

You can read all about it along with all our other news in our Annual Report 2016.

Tiny Toones Video by Optical Films

Tiny Toones were visited in 2016 by Optical Films from Singapore who produced this video about our work on behalf of the Singapore Management University.

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